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Prague 1- Jindřišská 2

Contact details for the store:

Prague 1- Jindřišská 2
+420 775 875 273
+420 226 201 345
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Opening hours:

  • Mon: 730 - 1930
  • Tues: 730 - 1930
  • Wed: 730 - 1930
  • Thu: 730 - 1930
  • Fri: 730 - 1930
  • Sat: 730 - 1930
  • No: 900 - 1930

Planned changes of opening hours:

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Here, we care about your satisfaction:

Florist from eshop Veronika Plecháčková experince: 10 years language skills: CZ favorite flower: Orchid Vanda
Florist from eshop Aneta Horová experince: 15 years language skills: CZ, EN favorite flower: Rose
Store manager Tamara Kovácsová experince: 14 years language skills: CZ, EN favorite flower: Helleborus
Store manager Michaela Wiltavská experince: 7 years language skills: CZ, EN, PL favorite flower: Ranunculus
Florist from eshop Michaela Nedbalová experince: 12 years language skills: CZ, EN, RU favorite flower: Růže